Word of the Week

This Week Quiver (verb) to shake or move with a slight trembling motion Past Words Greenhouse (noun) a usually permanent climate-controlled structure enclosed (as by glass or multiple layers of plastic) and used usually year-round for the cultivation or protection of tender plants Blimp (noun) an airship that maintains its form by pressure from contained gas Eclipse (noun) the total or partial obscuring of one celestial body by another Jest (noun) a joking or mocking remark Ingenuity (noun) skill or cleverness in devising or combining Abysmal (adjective) immeasurably low or wretched; extremely poor or bad Benevolent (adjective) marked by or suggestive of goodwill Scamper (verb) to run nimbly and usually playfully about Agitate (verb) to move with an irregular, rapid, or violent action Plunge (verb) to thrust or cast oneself into or as if into water Smitten (adjective) deeply affected with or struck by strong feelings of attraction, affection, or infatuation Harmonious (adjective) marked by accord in sentiment or action Cromulent (adjective) acceptable, satisfactory Notorious (adjective) generally known and talked of Quirk (noun) a peculiar trait Nadir (noun) the lowest point Auspicious (adjective) showing or suggesting that future success is likely Tradition (noun) an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior Austere (adjective) stern and cold in appearance or manner Obsidian (noun) a dark natural glass formed by the cooling of molten lava Kindred (adjective) of a similar nature or character Jaunty (adjective) sprightly in manner or appearance Expressionism (noun) a theory to practice in art of seeking to depict the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist Gouache (noun) a method of painting with opaque watercolors Magnanimous (adjective) showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit Tremble (verb) to be affected with great fear or anxiety Superstition (noun) an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition Elegy (noun) a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead Eerie (adjective) so mysterious, strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine Conjure (verb) to summon by as if by invocation or incantation Intimation (noun) an indirect, usually subtle suggestion, indication, or hint Expiate (verb) to make amends for Past (noun) time gone by Future (noun) time that is to come Wave (noun) a moving ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid (as of the sea) Lambent (adjective) softly bright or radiant Exult (verb) to be extremely joyful Ember (noun) a glowing fragment (as of coal) from a fire Adversarial (adjective) involving two people or two sides who oppose each other Antithesis (noun) the direct opposite Jargon (noun) the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group Potion (noun) a mixture of liquids (such as liquor or medicine) Sojourn (adjective) to stay as a temporary resident Voyage (noun) an act or instance of traveling Idyllic (adjective) pleasing or picturesque in natural simplicity Floriferous (adjective) bearing flowers ; especially : blooming freely Anomaly (noun) something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified Chivalry (noun) the system, spirit, or customs of medieval knighthood Titular (adjective) of, relating to, or constituting a title Discord (noun) lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas) Wan (adjective) lacking vitality: dim, faint Jocular (adjective) said or done as a joke Epochal (adjective) uniquely or highly significant  Emulate (verb) to strive to equal or excel; to equal or approach equality with Elixir (noun) a substance held capable of prolonging life indefinitely Nemesis (noun) a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent Bungalow (noun) a one-storied house with a low-pitched roof Translucent (adjective) permitting the passage of light Amalgamation (noun) the action or process of uniting or merging two or more things